2025 Radon Action Month: Walworth County Health and Human Services Offers $5 Radon Test Kits in January 2025 More than half of Walworth County Homes Tested for Radon in 2024 had Higher Levels than the EPA Deems Safe (ELKHORN, WI): Walworth County Health and Human Services is pleased to announce a special promotion in January 2025, offering radon test kits for $5 with a non-perishable food item donation. This offer is limited to one test kit per person. Testing is offered locally through the Kenosha/Walworth Radon Information Center, funded through a Wisconsin Department of Health Services grant. Normally, the cost is $15 per kit. Food donations will be distributed through the Walworth County Food and Diaper Bank, which supports local families experiencing food insecurity. Radon testing is an essential step in maintaining a safe living environment. Radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and testing is the only way to know if radon levels in a home are elevated. “January is a great time to find out if your home has elevated radon as houses are closed up for the cold winter weather and we’re spending more time indoors,” says Walworth County Public Health Officer Erica Bergstrom. The test kit includes a small vial that must be left open to the air in the lowest livable level of a home for two to three days. The vial should then be capped and mailed to Accustar Labs, which generally provides the results within a few days via mail, email, or telephone. Shipping and analysis of the kit are included in the $5 price. The reduced-price test kit offer is redeemable starting January 2, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Walworth County Health and Human Services building at 1910 County Rd. NN, Elkhorn, WI 53121. Cash and check payments only. The County encourages all residents whose homes have not yet been tested for radon to take advantage of this special offer. Those whose homes test at an elevated level of radon are urged to contact the Kenosha/Walworth Radon Information Center for information about mitigation options. For more information about the promotion or to learn more about radon testing, please contact Walworth County Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health at (262) 741-3140, email [email protected], or visit us online at www.co.walworth.wi.us.        


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Early Voting begins two weeks before any Election.


When Is Our Next Election?

February 15, 2022

2022 Spring Primary Election


April 5, 2022 

2022 Spring Election & Presidential Preference Primary


August 9, 2022 

2022 Partisan Primary Election



November 8, 2022 

2022 Fall General Election


State offices up for election are Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, State Senator (odd-numbered districts), and State Representative. Federal offices up for election are U.S. Senate and Representative to Congress.

A list of state candidates who have registered their campaigns with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission or filed a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Wisconsin Elections Commission is attached below. Federal candidates running for U.S. Senate and Representative to Congress often do not file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Elections Commission until the spring of 2022. Therefore, the best source of early information about who is running for those federal offices may be the campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission’s website: https://fec.gov