Clean Boats Clean Waters


Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW) is a program in Wisconsin that has been in operation since 2004. Through CBCW, watercraft inspectors are trained to inspect boats, trailers, and equipment to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Across Wisconsin, CBCW inspectors are stationed at boat launches where they watch for potential AIS and prevent them from either entering or leaving a body of water. They also educate lake-goers about protecting our beloved lakes and gather information.

Preventing the introduction of new invasive species—by always following the inspection and prevention steps below—is an easy and effective way to help protect the lake you love. Be on the lookout for CBCW inspectors when launching or taking out your boat!

You can help protect Delavan Lake from invasive species!

INSPECT your boat, trailer, and all equipment before entering and after leaving the lake to make sure you are not transporting Aquatic invasive species (AIS) which pose a serious threat to the recreational and natural resources of the Delavan Lake. AIS compete with native species and can increase algae growth that contributes to the decline of Delavan Lake's water clarity.

REMOVE all plants, mud, and animals that you see after inspection. AIS can live in mud and a two-inch piece of some invasive plants is enough to start a whole new colony in a lake, so be thorough!

DRAIN all water from the boat (including kayaks, canoes, and all equipment), live wells, bait wells, motors, and bilges, AIS can be microscopic and not visible to the human eye. Water that looks clean may be carrying a lake harming invasive species.

NEVER MOVE live plants, fish, or fish eggs away from the water body.

DISPOSE of unwanted bait in the trash.

BUY minnows from a Wisconsin bait dealer. You may take unused minnows away from a water body and use them at a later date on that same water body. You may also take unused minnows to another water body but only if no lake or river water were added to the minnow container.