If you are interested in serving the Town as a committee member please fill out the Notice of Membership Interest in a Committee or Commission form and return it to the Town of Delavan Town Hall or submit it electronically.

ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE - The Administrative Committee is to provide an outstanding framework for internal systems of the Town of Delavan. This shall be accomplished by reviewing all Insurance Licensing, Assessments, Employment and Personnel issues; by establishing policy and personnel criteria; and by identifying system concerns and problems and recommending solutions to the Town Board.
FINANCE COMMITTEE - The Finance Committee is to insure that the finances of the Town of Delavan are administered within the guidelines of Town Policies, to implement sound financial practices and appropriate systems of internal control, to be sure operating budgets are established, to prepare annual budgetary recommendations to the Town Board, to review and recommend action on expenditures.

FIRE AND RESCUE COMMITTEE - The Fire and Rescue Committee shall include the general supervision of the Fire Department, Rescue Squad and Dive Team members, and to make such recommendations as necessary to the Town Board concerning all affairs of said departments.
POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION - The Police and Fire Commission exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the hiring, promotion, and discipline of police officers and fire fighters. Also have jurisdiction over the hiring promotion, and discipline of Emergency Medical Technicians and First Responders.
POLICE AND WATER SAFETY COMMITTEE - The Police Committee is to be a pro-active element in the fight against crime; to educate the citizenry in ways to deter crime, to educate the citizenry in ways to become more secure, not only in their own homes but through citizen interaction in the entire community.

PLAN COMMISSION - The Plan Commission is to ensure the property within the Town of Delavan is kept and developed in a way that is in conformity with the future goals of the Town, consistent with the directives of the Municipal Code.
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - The Public Works Committee shall provide a forum for exchange of ideas and information regarding all highway department issues, and to keep the Town Board and the people informed as to said issues, and make recommendations to the Town Board as to the Board's duties pursuant to Section 82.03, Wisconsin Statutes.

LAKE COMMITTEE - The Lake Committee is to investigate and recommend to the Town Board any and all activities which would contribute to the improvement, protecting and rehabilitation of Delavan Lake. The Lake Committee will work closely with the DNR, the USGS, the DLSD, and any other agencies necessary to continue to promote the health of Delavan Lake. The committee shall also be responsible for making recommendations to the Town Board regarding the aquatic plant management of the Lake, as well as promoting projects to reduce shoreline erosion, developing ongoing water quality issues, and cooperating with the DNR in their fish management program.

PARK AND TOURISM COMMITTEE - The Park and Tourism Committee is to follow the current Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, enhance existing parks, prepare for new parks as population and new developments warrant and promote tourism throughout the Town of Delavan.