5621 Town Hall Rd
Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: (262) 728-3471
Fax: (262) 728-3473
Mon-Fri 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
For Town Meeting Agendas & Minutes click here.
If you need files for past years, please contact the Town Clerk.
Administrator | John Olson |
Town Chair | Mary Knipper |
Supervisor | Bill Thummel |
Supervisor | Hugh Charvat |
Supervisor | Ben Nixdorf |
Supervisor | Leah Flitcroft |
Treasurer | Darlene Stark |
Clerk | Michele Starin |
Committee of the Whole
2nd Monday of every month @ 5:00 P.M.
Town Board Meeting meets: 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 6:00 P.M.
Be sure to check the Calendar for any changes.
Town Board
3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 P.M.
Be sure to check the Calendar for any changes.
Accurate Appraisal LLC
Phone: (800) 770-3927 or (920) 749-8098
Fax: (920) 749-8099
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours at Town Hall upon request
Assessor Video Links:
Town Hall
5621 Town Hall Road
Delavan, WI 53115
For Town of Delavan Residents only
(NO Contractors or Commercial Dumping)
Please register at the Town Hall prior to dumping. You will need proof of residency i.e., utility bill, drivers license, etc.
Monday to Thursday 7am to 3:15pm
Friday 7am to 2pm
Saturdays 7am to 11am (May through October)
Closed Sunday & Holidays
- Will accept garden debris, grass clippings, leaves and brush
- Will not accept stumps, concrete, logs, etc.
- Questions regarding drop-off site call - (262) 728-6411
Brush pickup begins the first Monday of the month between May and October; all streets will be visually checked. Place brush and tree trimmings neatly into piles, cut ends facing the street, no foreign objects mixed in and no bags. Tree limbs must NOT be bigger than 6 inches in diameter. Grass and leaves will NOT be picked up.
Inspector: Joe Mesler of Professional Building Inspections
Phone: (262) 728-3471
Cell: (262) 215-3711
Fax: (262) 728-3473
Town Email: [email protected]
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 1pm to 3pm
Acceptable burning includes outdoor cooking that is not dangerous to people or property and burning in furnaces, fireplaces, stoves and other devices for that use. The burning of dry combustible material and non-offensive yard waste is accepted from September 16th through June 14th each year as long as there is supervision by a person 18 years or older, not burning any closer than 25 feet from buildings or structures and 50 feet from any lake or stream and away from any highway. There must also be water or other device to put out the fire nearby.
Steve Shoff - Harbor Master
Gate House: (262) 740-2335
Call for Sanitary Hookup
Jim DeLuca
Phone: (262) 728-4100
Fax: (262) 728-4104
All dogs over the age of 6 months must be licensed at Town Hall annually.
Dog License Fees (click for application) are: $20.00 for altered males and females and $40.00 for unaltered males and females.
No person shall keep more than four dogs on their premises at one time.
Kennels are not allowed in the Town of Delavan
Best Buy - Lake Geneva
Phone: (262) 348-9269
CRT Processing - Janesville
Phone: (608) 754-3400
Midwest Computer Recyclers
Phone: (414) 541-1716
Recycle Technologies
Phone: (800) 305-3040
Wisconsin Communities Recycler
Phone: (262) 522-8112
Some charges may apply.
Emergency Police or Fire & Rescue Dial 911
Fire Department: (262) 728-3780
Police Department: (262) 728-8787
Police - After Hours: (262) 728-9777
Aurora Lakeland Medical Center
W3985 County Rd NN Elkhorn
Phone: (262) 741-2000
Mercy Walworth
Jct Hwy 50 & 67 Lake Geneva
Phone: (262) 245-2230
Public Works Manager
Tom Thiele
(262) 728-6411
Residents make their own arrangements for refuse and recycling pickup.
GFL Environmental
Address: W8470 WI-11; Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: 1-888-895-8696
Website: https://gflenv.com/
WM (Waste Management)
Phone: 855-852-7110
Website: https://www.wm.com/us/en/home/residential-waste-recycling-pickup
Johns Disposal
Address: 107 Co Rd U, Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-473-4700
Website: www.johnsdisposal.com
Email: [email protected]
Lakeland Trash Service
Address: 1527 Mound Rd, Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: 262-728-2797
Website: https://www.lakelandtrash.com/
Rummage & Garage Sales are allowed with a permit obtained at Town Hall or click here for permit. Such sales shall not be conducted more than six (6) days or a portion of days, from the same location within any calendar year.
The fee for the permit is $5.00 per day.
Non compliance Fine can be between$10.00 - $5,000.00
To register to vote, you must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen and a resident of your voting district for at least 28 days before the election.
Registration can occur at Town Hall prior to the election and at the polls on Election Day.
You do not have to re-register unless you move, change your name or have not voted in over 4 years. You must provide proof of residence, i.e., Drivers License, Utility Bill; Charge Bill, etc., some ID which shows voters name and Town of Delavan Address.
You may register on line or check to see if you are registered at www.myvote.wi.gov.
Changes can be made here will be sent to your current municipality clerk automatically.
The Town of Delavan is under Walworth County Zoning
Land Use & Resource Management Department
(262) 741-4972
Contact Celebrations on Wells for more information
(262) 248-2555
Website: watersedgedl.com
Email: [email protected]
Town of Delavan Volleyball Coordinator
Rich Kuhnke - 262-903-5398
League play begins in May
Registration forms and fees of $100 due by April 15th of each year or $130 before May 7th of each year.
Includes upkeep of courts, equipment, end of year prizes, end of season cookout, bathrooms.
To sign your team up call or text Rich Kuhnke at (262) 903-5398, or e-mail [email protected].
Or complete and submit the Volleyball Registration form here.
Please mail or drop off registration and fees at:
Town of Delavan
5621 Town Hall Road
Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: (262) 728-3471