Friday Memo





To:                  Town Board Members

From:  John Olson, Town Administrator

Date:   December 6, 2024    



Please take time to read this week’s Friday Memo- -a general recap of the week and upcoming news.  As always, should you like more information, I ask that you call the office, e-mail or stop in.  Thanks for your continued support. 

      1. Your COW Packet includes details on the pending 2025A $10.5M Bond issue.  The new additional debt amount was increased from $3.5M to $4.5M to include all departments Capital Expense budgets for 2025-2027.  The balance of approx. 6M is refinancing existing Long-Term debt (2019B & 2021 Advia Note) over 20 years.  The 12/17 Town Board Meeting agenda will also include the resolution needed to issue the new debt - 2025A.  We do not have that resolution from bond legal yet, but should have by the end of next week.  The 1/21 Board Meeting is planned for a board vote on awarding the bid to the lowest interest rate offer received.  Thursday’s Finance Committee will be reviewing and discussing all details. 
      2. Public Works Committee has recommended the Baxter & Woodman engineering proposal of $20K for the Woodlawn, Almond, Lakeview project planned for 2025.  There was some opposition to contracting for the whole project by committee members.  Please review the committee minutes.  COW agenda item.     
      3. In preparation for Rich Scholze’s retirement on 5/31, I’m planning on contacting other attorneys to confirm their interest in our legal work.  And I plan on sending out some questions requesting written responses in advance of your interviews.  If there are specific attorneys you want contacted and/or specific questions asked, please let me know.  Thanks again to Rich for his excellent legal services the past several years.
      4. A Short-Term Rental Complaint Hotline is now available 24/7 at 866-257-0149 or online at
      5. All Assessed Values for the Town are available online at 
      6. The Highway Shop is a “free drop-off site” for Waste Oil that is used for heating purposes.  We are currently in low supply.
      7. Enjoy your weekend!!            



      Meetings next week:  Committee of the Whole, Monday at 5:00pm      

      Finance, Thursday at 3:30pm