Did You Know that High School Students (16+) Can Work as Election Inspector?
Wisconsin law allows qualified students to serve as Election Inspector. It's a great way for students to become involved in their communities and learn about government.
- Are 16 or 17 years of age
- Are enrolled in grades 9 to 12 in a public, private or tribal school
- Have at least a 3.0 grade point average or the equivalent
- Have the written approval of their parent or guardian
- Have the written approval of the principal of the school in which they are enrolled, if the student has less than a 3.0 grade point average
- Reside in the municipality.
- Students may serve only at polling places that serve their residence.
Steps to Become a Student Election Inspector
- Municipal clerk shall obtain written authorization from the student's parent or guardian.
- Clerk obtains written authorization from the principal of the school where the student is enrolled
- Student must have a 3.0 grade point average to qualify to serve
- A student may only serve as a poll worker at a polling place if at least one inspector, other than the chief inspector, is a qualified elector of the municipality
- A student may not serve as chief inspector at a polling place
- A student serving as a poll worker may not challenge any person offering to vote.
- Other duties students may have the opportunity to perform:
- Registering voters
- Recording voters' names on the voter list
- Issuing ballots
- Assisting voters with special needs
- Counting votes