Winterfest Jan 18th Town of Delavan Community Park 12-6pm: The UW Badger Band will be performing at 3:30  


TID/TIF Project Dissolved

The Town of Delavan held a Special Town Board Meeting last evening, Tuesday, July 6, 2021, and the following occurred. Below is an excerpt from the ” draft” minutes from the Special Town Board (TIF) Meeting on 7.6.2021.

Supervisor Phillips made a motion to dissolve the TID district, in its entirety. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Jedlicka.

Supervisor Knipper confirmed that the TID/TIF Project was brought to the attention of the Town Board and “when an idea comes to the board, it is our job to put it on the table for discussion, which we did. There was no attempt to hide this from the public. We bring things to the attention of the people?”

Chair Larry Malsch called for a Roll Call Vote, and this is how the Town Board voted.

Chair Malsch – YES

Supervisor Jedlicka – YES

Supervisor Phillips – YES

Supervisor Gaulke – NO

Supervisor Knipper- YES

The motion carried 4-1 (Gaulke, NO), which means the TID District Boundary Project was dissolved, in its entirety (7.6.2021).

Full minutes from this meeting, along with all others, will be posted on our website (after their final approval) under the “Agendas and Minutes” tab. A reminder you can also sign up to get an instant notice when future agendas and minutes are posted. Simply click this link and choose how you would like to be notified.  

Respectfully Submitted by Clerk Kristy McChristy (7.7.2021)