Winterfest Jan 18th Town of Delavan Community Park 12-6pm: The UW Badger Band will be performing at 3:30  


Hwy 50 Road Closure

The Town of Delavan has been notified that the Department of Transportation (DOT) will be beginning work on replacing a culvert on Highway 50 in Delavan, between Lake Lawn Resort and County Road F.  Because of that project, that section of road will be closed beginning Monday 9/27/21.  The contractor has 14-calendar days to complete the work, this puts end dated at 10/10/21, pending weather delay. Please follow the detour signs and/or make a copy of this detour map and prepare for your normal route to take a bit longer than usual.

Please note that this is a DOT project and not a Town of Delavan project, however, this will likely impact you and yours so we felt it was important to keep you informed.