Walworth County Dementia Awareness Spotlight: Frontotemporal Dementia and Family Support: Contact:  Jake SawyersDementia Care [email protected] August 20, 2024 ADRC of Walworth County Dementia Awareness Spotlight: Frontotemporal Dementia and Family Support (ELKHORN, WI): On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Walworth County will host a free educational presentation on frontotemporal dementia, also called FTD, and family support. Speakers from the Association of FTD and Lorenzo’s House, a non-profit organization focused on supporting families with younger-onset dementia, will provide the presentation. “FTD is the most common form of dementia for individuals under the age of 60,” says Jake Sawyers, dementia care specialist. “FTD symptoms are different from Alzheimer’s. The age of onset is typically younger. And it is often misdiagnosed. This presentation will educate attendees about FTD and introduce families to the amazing work of Lorenzo’s House.” The Dementia Awareness Spotlight will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Walworth County Health and Human Services building, 1910 County Road NN, Elkhorn. Registration is preferred. Virtual attendance options will also be available. Contact Dementia Care Specialist Jake Sawyers at (262) 741-3273 to register for the event. About the ADRC of Walworth County: The ADRC provides information and assistance to older and disabled adults, their friends, family, caregivers, and the public. We can assist by evaluating your current needs and providing options available to meet the needs of your situation. Learn more at https://www.co.walworth.wi.us/376/Aging-Disability-Resource-Center or call 262-741-3200.


Burning Q & A

It’s that Time of Year Again!  

The trees are turning colors, you are trimming the branches, raking the leaves and cutting down brush and you probably want to burn that pile of leaves and brush so it’s not in your yard when the snow flies, right?  Well, you can!!!!

The burning of dry combustible material and non-offensive yard waste (like leaves, sticks and brush) is permissable, yearly, from September 16th through June 14th, so long as the burn is supervised by a person 18-years or older, the burn is not closer than 25-feet from any buildings or structures and 50-feet from any lake or stream and away from any highway. There must also be water or another device to put out the fire.

No Burn Permit Needed, HOWEVER…

If you are planning a large burn, residents are asked to contact the Fire Department (Assistant Chief Fred Krablean – 414-550-5224) and the Police Department (262-728-3471 X101) before burning. You will be asked to provide the date and time of the burn so the town doesn’t inadvertantly send out emergency vehicles.

Please CLICK HERE to read the entire Burn Ordinance as there are many other details you need to know in regard to what is considered a permissable burn, what is a campfire or bonfire, what is refuse, , the regulations for an open burn, etc. 

What CANNOT Be Burned?

Unless specific written approval has been obtained from the Department of Natural Resources, the following material may not be burned in an open fire, incinerator, burn barrel, furnace stove, or any other indoor or outdoor incineration or heating device: i) Rubbish or garbage including but not limited to food wastes, food wraps, food packaging, animal carcasses, paint or painted materials, furniture, composite shingles, construction or demolition debris or other household or business waste. ii) Waste oil or other oily waste except used oil burned in a heating device for energy recovery, subject to the restrictions in Ch. NR 679, Wisconsin Administrative Code. iii. Asphalt and products containing asphalt. iv. Treated or painted wood including, but not limited to plywood, composite wood products or wood products that are painted, varnished or treated with preservatives. v. Any plastic material including, but not limited to nylon, PVC, ABS, polystyrene or urethane foam, and synthetic fabrics, films, and containers. vi. Rubber, including tires and synthetic, rubber- like products. vii. Newspaper, corrugated cardboard, container board, office paper and other materials that must be recycled in accordance with the Town of Delavan recycling ordinance, except as provided or otherwise allowed.

Happy Fall Y’all!