Walworth County Dementia Awareness Spotlight: Frontotemporal Dementia and Family Support: Contact:  Jake SawyersDementia Care [email protected] August 20, 2024 ADRC of Walworth County Dementia Awareness Spotlight: Frontotemporal Dementia and Family Support (ELKHORN, WI): On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Walworth County will host a free educational presentation on frontotemporal dementia, also called FTD, and family support. Speakers from the Association of FTD and Lorenzo’s House, a non-profit organization focused on supporting families with younger-onset dementia, will provide the presentation. “FTD is the most common form of dementia for individuals under the age of 60,” says Jake Sawyers, dementia care specialist. “FTD symptoms are different from Alzheimer’s. The age of onset is typically younger. And it is often misdiagnosed. This presentation will educate attendees about FTD and introduce families to the amazing work of Lorenzo’s House.” The Dementia Awareness Spotlight will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Walworth County Health and Human Services building, 1910 County Road NN, Elkhorn. Registration is preferred. Virtual attendance options will also be available. Contact Dementia Care Specialist Jake Sawyers at (262) 741-3273 to register for the event. About the ADRC of Walworth County: The ADRC provides information and assistance to older and disabled adults, their friends, family, caregivers, and the public. We can assist by evaluating your current needs and providing options available to meet the needs of your situation. Learn more at https://www.co.walworth.wi.us/376/Aging-Disability-Resource-Center or call 262-741-3200.


Notice of Spring Election




April 5, 2022


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election is to be held in the Town of Delavan on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. The Term of the office is two years beginning, Tuesday, April 19, 2022, to succeed the following incumbents:


                        OFFICE                                                          INCUMBENT

           Town Board Supervisor                                        Kim Jedlicka

            Town Board Supervisor                                        Lynnette Phillips


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first day to circulate nomination papers is Wednesday, December 1, 2021 and nomination papers must be filed at the Town of Delavan Town Hall in the Clerk’s Office, 5621 Town Hall Road, Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 by 4:30pm, Tuesday, January 4, 2022.


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

 Kristy L. McChristy

Municipal Clerk

Town of Delavan



Would you like to know how to run for a municipal office in the Town of Delavan)?

The following links provide you with the necessary forms, for doing so. Please complete these forms and file them with the Town Clerk – [email protected]

Need a Hard Copy of the Candidate Packets? Stop by the Town Hall at 5621 Town Hall Road in Delavan, to receive your hard copy!  Questions? Contact Clerk McChristy 262-728-3471 

Note:  A municipality may enact an ordinance establishing a code of ethics for public officials that may require a candidate for municipal office, in addition to the office of municipal judge, to file a Statement of Economic Interests (SEI).  Please contact the municipal clerk to find out if this requirement applies.

Local candidates should visit the Local Campaign Finance page on the Wisconsin Ethics Commission website for information about campaign finance registration and reporting.

General information for local government candidacy: http://elections.wi.gov/candidates/local/non-partisan

State offices up for election are Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, State Senator (odd-numbered districts), and State Representative. Federal offices up for election are U.S. Senate and Representative to Congress.


Here is a video that provides detailed information about how to get on the ballot at our municipality.

Registered Write-In Candidates

To register as a write-in candidate, you must file a Campaign Registration Statement (CF-1) with the filing officer prior to collecting or spending any money on the campaign. The CF-1 form is available from the Wisconsin Ethics Commission’s website or the local filing officer. The deadline to register as a write-in candidate is 12:00 p.m. (noon) the Friday before the election.

If you are an elected official who is not running again, you are required to file a Notification of Non-Candidacy form with the filing officer to give potential candidates notice of an open seat.

Notification must be received by the proper filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd Friday preceding the deadline for filing ballot access documents to avoid an extension of time for filing such papers. A general list of filing officers for offices is listed below.

Non-Candidacy Form 

All forms should be turned in to the Town Clerk at [email protected]

A list of state candidates who have registered their campaigns with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission or filed a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Wisconsin Elections Commission is attached below. Federal candidates running for U.S. Senate and Representative to Congress often do not file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Elections Commission until the spring of 2022. Therefore, the best source of early information about who is running for those federal offices may be the campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission’s websitehttps://fec.gov